Senator Cervantes

SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Javier Cervantes is making it easier to cancel unwanted gym memberships thanks a new law that will streamline how people can cancel a contract.

“This will prevent automatically renewing payments from sticking with consumers after they have moved and may no longer use the service,” said Cervantes (D-Chicago). “We want to modernize business practices and give residents an easier way to cancel their gym subscriptions.”

Under the new law, businesses offering physical fitness services, like gym memberships, would have to allow customers to cancel their contract either online or by email, instead of only by mail or in-person. 

The measure will also require contracts for physical fitness services that automatically renew to comply with the Automatic Contract Renewal Act, which ensures businesses give full disclosure of their automatic terms and cancellation policies and do not charge customers without proper consent.

“Businesses already have the tools necessary to make canceling easier for customers, and like many other services, it should be as easy to cancel your fitness subscription services,” said Cervantes. “Someone could go months without being able to go back in person to their old gym, leaving them stuck with a membership they are contractually obligated to pay for, and with this law we are making it fair and easy for everyone involved.”

House Bill 4911 was signed into law on Friday.